Parametrization of digital anthropometric information for 3D-projection of sewing products

  • Guseva M.A.

    Guseva M.A.The Kosygin State University of Russia. Moscow. Russia

  • Getmantseva V.V.

    Getmantseva V.V.The Kosygin State University of Russia Moscow. Russia

  • Andreeva E.G.

    Andreeva E.G.The Kosygin State University of Russia. Moscow. Russia

  • Petrosova I.A

    Petrosova I.A. The Kosygin State University of Russia. Moscow. Russia


Digitization covers all stages of modern clothing production. Improvement of innovative design technologies is aimed at improving the quality of design work, accuracy of modeling and the possibility of expert assessment of the project's performance in a three-dimensional vir-
tual space. The experience of equipping specialized clothes design systems with various modifications of three-dimensional design modules has shown that the user tools of some programs need to be improved. The main task of the three-dimensional design is to assess the quality of the fit of the designed products and the elimination of visualized defects at the design development stage. If the base of the system is not fully filled with three-dimensional avatars or the impossibility of their personalized correction, virtual fittings may not be reliable. Therefore, the process of three-dimensional design in most modern CAD systems is only a simulation design. Databases of open CAD systems are periodically replenished with virtual figures obtained using scanning tools. Depending on the quality of the output information from scanning devices, an additional amount of work may be required to transform a virtual object into a parametric dummy suitable for design preparation of clothing production.
The article describes the mechanism for extracting anthropometric information from a three-dimensional object obtained by scanning a subject with portable equipment – a virtual analog of a human figure and its geometric projections – longitudinal outlines. The main stages of visual information processing are analyzed, the intensity of which depends on the technical characteristics of the equipment. An innovative way to describe the constitution, proportions and posture of an individual figure in comparison with similar typical characteristics is pro-
The  systematization  of  the  information  under  investigation,  obtained  from  a  three-dimensional virtual image, is intended to supplement the basic arrays of input data for industrial design and manufacture of competitive garments.

Keywords: clothing design, digital anthropometric information, positioning of virtual figures,
avatars, virtual prototypes.